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阅读理解。 You're welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Everything in our restaurant is cheap and delicious. Let's have a look. For breakfast, you can eat porridge-七年级英语

[db:作者]  2019-11-12 00:00:00  零零社区


     You're welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Everything in our restaurant is cheap and delicious. Let's have
a look. For breakfast, you can eat porridge, eggs and noodles. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice,
dumplings, different kinds of meat and vegetables. There are also some drinks for you. Come and have
a meal, please. It's a good place to enjoy yourself.
     Breakfast: porridge ($1.00), egg ($1.00), noodles ($2.50--$5.00).
     Lunch and dinner: rice ($1.00), dumplings ($5.00), egg ($1.00), cabbage ($6.00), carrots ($8.00),
potatoes($8.00), chicken ($12.00), fish ($15.00),mutton ($18.00), green tea ($2.00), iced tea ($3.00),
orange juice ($4.00).
    Business hours: Mon.--Fri. 6:30 a.m.--9:30 p.m.; Sat.--Sun. 7:00 a.m.-- 10:00 p.m..
1. What can you eat for breakfast in the restaurant ________.
A. Dumplings.
B. Beef noodles.
C. Ice cream.
D. French fries.
2. You can have a meal in the restaurant ________.
A. at 6:40 on Saturday morning
B. at 9:45 every evening
C. at 11:30 every morning
D. at 11:30 on Sunday night
3. If you have rice, cabbage and green tea for lunch, you need to pay ________.
A. $8
B. $9
C. $10
D. $11
4. Mr. Black goes to the restaurant with $22 for dinner. He can order rice, potatoes, chicken and ________.
A. iced tea
B. orange juice
C. green tea
D. an egg
5. What does the speaker probably (可能) do?
A. A reporter.
B. A clerk.
C. A waiter.
D. An actor.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5       BCBDC

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 You're welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Everythin..”主要考查你对  广告布告类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



  • 这类阅读的文本主要选取的是广告、布告类的文本类型,贴近生活和实事,时尚元素较多。因此他相对来说距离学生生活较近,对学生的时事敏感度要求也比较高。

  • 广告布告类阅读注意事项:
    1. 品味广告的标题,联系平时所积累的知识,为了解材料大意作铺垫。
    2. 要特别留意广告中包含的数字、联系人、地址等。
    3. 要注意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是材料的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括。
