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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

全新版大学英语阅读教程(通用本)1学生用书第二版 内容简介

     《全新版大学英语》(第二版)系列教材秉承首版教材的优良传统,继承兼收并蓄的折中主义教学理念,参照《大学英语课程教学要求》修订,更加贴近教学实际,更有效提升学习者语言综合应用能力,更好满足新时期人才培养需求。 《全新版大学英语<第2版>阅读教程(通用本学生用书1普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材)》(作者王秀珍、樊葳葳)是该套书中的一册,选文情理兼顾,练习注重实效,共分为8个单元。

全新版大学英语阅读教程(通用本)1学生用书第二版 目录

unit one 1. goodbye school 2. the saturday evening post 3. love thy neighbor unit two 4. making friends in american culture 5. my daughter, my friend 6. hope in a bottle unit three 7. the fun they had 8. today's technology could seem goofy tomorrow 9. a short biography of the long life of benjamin franklin unit four 10. are you trying real hard? 11. jim lovell: an astronaut's story 12. only daughter unit five 13. take this job and love it 14. a lamp in a window 15. stock and gown unit six 16. my only true love 17. the dragon rock 18. does sleep help you study? unit seven 19. leaving the land of the blind 20. the christmas truce 21. an american educator's fable unit eight 22. students who push burgers 23. a small miracle 24. you can have anythino you want, but you can't have everything you want appendices glossary key to comprehension exercise i of the texts 全新版大学英语阅读教程(通用本)1学生用书第二版
