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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

常春藤英语-七级-三 本书特色


常春藤英语-七级-三 目录

1.a mother’s letter to a son starting kindergarten
2.if i were a boy again
3.the littlest firefighter
4.the time nightshirt
5.a boy and his father become partners
6.travelling in the jungle
7.discovery by accident
8.a pound of butter
9.edison’s last breath
10.your speech is changing
11.the great elevator adventure
12.a touching letter to parents
13.the english reserve and politeness
14.little house in the big woods
15.a wonderful present
16.fool’s paradise
17.sleeping ugly
20.the pretty one
21.stolen day
22.the best playwright in england
23.thomas edison
24.the call of the wild
25.miracle on christmas day
26.the zen of cat
27.it’s never too late
28.helen keller
29.who will inherit joel stein’s kid?
30.the loyal dog
31.the gentle hand
32.the good reader
33.well, america: is the car culture working?
34.the boy who flew too high
35.a letter to son
36.the miller’s tenth
37.how can i deal with an annoying neighbor?
38.messenger of light
39.early days of the mail
40.a goodbye kiss
41.yes or no? it’s time to discipline
42.a dog in his last confession
43.the cat-bird
44.i don’t know how to love you
45.the thanksgiving story
46.the troll
47.how the crickets brought good fortune
48.the proud king
49.the skater and the wolves
50.that dog of mine
51.better late than never
52.time is one of the greatest mysteries
54.how aunt letty killed the panther
55.the finding of livingstone
56.best teacher in the grocery
57.unique traditions from the uk
58.your life is fully mobile
59.the turkey and me
60.thanksgiving day

常春藤英语-七级-三 作者简介

聂成军,教育硕士,中学高级教师。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员、英语教研室主任。中央电教馆、教育部课程与教材发展中心特聘专家;北京教育考试院高考试题评价专家组成员、自主会考试题评价组组长;北京教育学院特聘英语骨干教师培训导师;海淀区教委名师工作站英语学科组导师;北师大版高中英语教材编者之一。 谭松柏,北京师范大学外文学院硕士研究生。现在人大附中高三英语组,系海淀区兼职教研员,海淀区学科带头人,海淀区中心组成员,名师工作站学员,国培计划讲师。发表学术论文多篇,编著雅思系列书籍两套9册,参与编写中学英语教辅2册。

