任务型阅读。 People often complain (抱怨) about buses in Shanghai. The dirty smoke from the buses pollute our city. Buses are always full of(1)and it's(2)to g-八年级英语

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    People often complain (抱怨) about buses in Shanghai. The dirty smoke from the buses pollute our city.
Buses are always full of    (1)    and it's    (2)    to get a seat. (2) 有时人们得等很长时间, but the bus doesn't
come. And some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly, so people on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily.
It is natural that not so many people like to take the bus. (3) If the bus service can be made better, there will
be fewer traffic problems
. Then people will feel it convenient to go anywhere in our city.
1. 在空格处填上合适的词。
    (1).                     (2).                   
2. 将(2)处译为英文。 
3. 将(3)处译为中文 。 
4. 在文章中找出下句的同义句,并写在横线上。
    People on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily because some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly.
5. 找出文章的中心句。
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. (1). people  (2). hard / difficult
2. Sometimes people have to wait for a long time. (答案不唯一)
3. 如果公共汽车的服务能得到改善,交通问题就会减少。(答案不唯一)
4. Some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly, so people on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily.
5. People often complain about buses in Shanghai.

据专家权威分析,试题“任务型阅读。 People often complain (抱怨) about buses in Sha..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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