阅读理解。 John's a fat boy. He likes eating very much. For breakfast, he has eggs, milk, oranges and bananas. For lunch, he likes hamburgers and salad. And-七年级英语

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     John's a fat boy. He likes eating very much. For breakfast, he has eggs, milk, oranges and bananas. For
lunch, he likes hamburgers and salad. And for dinner, he eats chicken, tomatoes, French fries and apples. For
dessert, he has ice cream. But he doesn't play sports.
1. John likes ______ very much.
A. running
B. eating
C. playing sports
D. playing basketball
2. For breakfast, he has ______.
A. eggs, milk and apples
B. milk, oranges and chicken
C. eggs, milk, oranges and bananas
D. oranges, bananas, eggs and salad
3. He likes hamburgers and salad for ______.
A. breakfast
B. lunch
C. dinner
D. dessert
4. He eats ______ for dinner.
A. chicken
B. French fries
C. tomatoes and apples
D. A, B and C
5. Which one is right?
A. John has tomatoes for lunch.
B. John has ice cream for dinner.
C. John likes playing sports.
D. John is fat.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5    BCBDD

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