完形填空。What do you know about the sea? Everybody knows that the sea1 beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it becomes very terrible when2a strong win-八年级英语

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     What do you know about the sea? Everybody knows that the sea  1   beautiful when the sun is
shining on it. But it becomes very terrible when  2    a strong wind. If you study the map of the world,
you will  3   that about two thirds(三分之二)of the world is the sea.
     Have you ever been to(曾经去过)the sea?The sea is very deep(深的). In some places the sea is 
  4    deeper. The  5   mountain(大山) in the world is about 9 kilometers high. While(然而) the deepest
place of the sea is almost(几乎)11 kilometers deep. 
      The sea  6   very cold. On the top of the sea the water may be 7  . But if you go down , it becomes colder and  8   In most places of the sea, there are lots of fishes. and plants. Some live near the top of the sea.   9    live deep down. 
      You know the sea water is salty. The water of the Dead Sea is very salty. It is so salty   10  fish can't
live in it. What a strange sea!
(    ) 1. A. sees    
(    ) 2. A. there are
(    ) 3. A. learn    
(    ) 4. A. very    
(    ) 5. A. high    
(    ) 6. A. can      
(    ) 7. A. cold    
(    ) 8. A. colder  
(    ) 9. A. Other    
(    )10. A. after    
B. looks    
B. there has
B. know about
B. much      
B. tall      
B. can is    
B. warm      
B. cold      
B. Others    
B. that      
C. watches  
C. there is  
C. look for  
C. more      
C. higher    
C. can be    
C. colder    
C. warmer    
C. The others
C. when      
D. looks at    
D. there have  
D. think of    
D. most        
D. highest    
D. could      
D. hot        
D. warm        
D. The other  
D. until      
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5    BCABD    6-10CBABB

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