用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. I like _____ (China) action movies. 2. Beijing Opera is _____ (real) fun! 3. The story is very _____ (interest). 4. Please-七年级英语

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(2) 有的程度副词(如quite, rather, almost等)可修饰动词,但有的(如fairly, pretty, very等)则不能修饰动词。如:
I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。(不用fairly, pretty, very)
We rather like the film. 我们很喜欢这部电影。(不用fairly, pretty, very)
(3) 个别的程度副词(主要是quite和rather)还可修饰名词(注意词序)。如:
It’s quite [rather] a good idea. / It’s a quite [rather] good idea. 那可真是个好主意。
若此结构中没有形容词,则 quite 和 rather 则只能放在冠词之前。如:
It was quite [rather] a success. 那事相当成功。

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