改错题。 I went out to see a film with my brother after sup-per. On our way to the cinema, we meet an Americangirl named Alice, she had got lost and looked very-九年级英语

  There is no one who is not conccrned about his future. (= There is no one but is concerned about his future.) 没有人不关心自己的未来?
  2. 定语从句中有can, will, shall, must, may, should, ought to等助动词或情态动词,在将其改为含but的复合句时,这些助动词或情态动词后面不能再有not
  There is nothing that she can’t do. (= There is nothing but she can do.) 没有她做不到的事?
  3. 定语从句中有助动词do, does, did, 在将其改为含but的复合句时,应去掉do, does, did, 还原其后动词的时态及人称变化
  There is no one who doesn’t wish to make great achievements. (= There is no one but wishes to make great achievements.) 谁都希望自己将来能有所成就。
  He said he saw me there, which was a lie。他说在那儿看到了我,纯属谎言。
  I've forgotten much of the Latin I once knew。 我过去懂拉丁语,现在大都忘了。  

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