根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词。 Jack London was a famous American writer. He was b 1._____ on January 12th, 1876, in San Francisco, California. His family -七年级英语

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     Jack London was a famous American writer. He was b 1._____ on January 12th, 1876, in San Francisco,
California. His family was very poor, so Jack had to l 2._____ school to make money. He w 3._____ hard in
many different jobs.
      Later, Jack returned to school, b 4._____ he didn't stay there long. In 1897, he went to Alaska to wash for
gold. Then he went back home and started to write. His writings(作品)were successful, and he b 5._____ rich
and famous in his twenties.
      Jack London was not a h 6._____ man. In poor health, he died in 1916 when he was only 40 years old.
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. born 2. leave 3. worked 4. but 5. became 6. happy

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