阅读理解.Do you know S.H.E? It's a singing group. There are three lovely girls in it. They are Selina, Hebe and Ella. They are very popular.Lots of youn-七年级英语

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     Do you know S.H.E? It's a singing group. There are three lovely girls in it. They are Selina, Hebe and
Ella. They are very popular.
     Lots of young people like Selina because she is very beautiful. She has long curly hair. She is of medium height and she is very thin. Ella is really cool! She looks like a boy . She is of medium height but a little bit
heavy. She has short straight hair and always wears a jacket and  pants. Many fans (歌迷) think she sings
very well. Hebe is a nice girl. She isn't tall and she is of medium build. She has long straight hair. Sometimes she wears a cute hat.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. Very thin    2. Short straight hair     3. A little bit heavy     4. Long straight hair    5. Medium build

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