勇者无畏:裴文坦传记:the story of Dr. Winston Pettus

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勇者无畏:裴文坦传记:the story of Dr. Winston Pettus

勇者无畏:裴文坦传记:the story of Dr. Winston Pettus

作者:(美)爱德华·胡美(Edward H.

开 本:25cm





勇者无畏:裴文坦传记:the story of Dr. Winston Pettus 内容简介

本书为湘雅文化传承丛书之一。作者通过Winston Pettus的信件及其同事的描述客观地展现了Winston Pettus波澜壮阔的一生,他响应了雅礼协会的迫切召唤,同他的妻子于 1940 年来到长沙,在在抗战时期,主要负责筹款,并争取获得大量的药品、物资和医疗用品,为湘雅医院、中国抗战及中国医疗事业作出的不可磨灭的贡献Contents

Prologue1 ⅠBoyhood in China3 ⅡCollege and Medical School Years, Yale 1929?193712 ⅢThe Decision for Changsha37 ⅣThe Start of the Great Adventure43ⅤGetting Settled in China89ⅥWhat a Year! 1941?1942115 ⅦWin Falls Prey to a Liver Fluke146 ⅧPioneering for Blood Banks in China155 ⅨHis Last Letters: A True Portrait of Win173 ⅩThe Final Flight213

勇者无畏:裴文坦传记:the story of Dr. Winston Pettus

传记 其他
