阅读理解。 William Shakespeare,the great English writer of drama (戏剧),was born in 1564 inStratford-on-Avon.We do not know e verything about Shakespeare's ear-八年级英语

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     William Shakespeare,the great English writer of drama (戏剧),was born in 1564 in
 Stratford-on-Avon.We do not know e verything about Shakespeare's early life.But we know
that he is useful at the Grammar School in Stratford,and that he became interested in the theatre when
he was still a boy. In l586, Shakespeare went to London,where he worked in a theatre for some years
before he beganto write his own plays.Shakespeare soon became well known in London.Every play he
wrote was very glad and new to the people of the capital.Queen Elizabeth liked Shakespeare's plays.
By the end of the l6th century, Shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build their own theatre.
But we must think that Shakespeare had no difficulties in his life.Some writers were against him because
their plays were worse than his.
1. Shakespeare is _______ in England.
A. a scientist        
B. an inventor      
C. a play writer      
D. a story writer
2. The writer thinks ____________.
A. we don't know Shakespeare's boyhood at all
B. we know Shakespeare's childhood a little
C. we know Shakespeare's boyhood a lot
D. we should know Shakespeare about his early life well
3. Shakespeare worked in the theatre ________.
A. when he started to write his plays    
B. after he left the Grammar School
C. when he was twenty-two years old    
D. after he liked the theatre very much
4. Some writers were against Shakespeare because _____.
A. they hated him                  
B. their plays were less famous than his
C. they wrote fewer plays than he    
D. their money was less than his
5. Which of the following sentences is right?
A. Each play Shakespeare wrote was liked by Queen Elizabeth.
B. Shakespeare and his friends built a theatre with their money at the age of thirty.
C. Shakespeare had a happy time and no difficulties in his life.
D. Shakespeare was very popular with the people in London.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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