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实用学术英语阅读教程-东方剑桥应用英语系列 本书特色


实用学术英语阅读教程-东方剑桥应用英语系列 内容简介

全书共十个单元。 主要内容:一、学术类文章的体裁、结构、语言特点和风格的介绍;二、学术规范的介绍:包括避免剽窃、参考文献方法介绍、文内引用、数据解读、案例分析、课堂展示方法、撰写学术报告等内容。

实用学术英语阅读教程-东方剑桥应用英语系列 目录

unit 1 academic style
 part i reading
  reading 1 reading myths and the sq3r method
  reading 2 writing in an appropriate style
 part ii mastery test
  reading writing across the disciplines
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading 1 harvard report
  reading 2 how to write an article in an academic style
unit 2 plagiarism
 part i reading
  reading 1 how to avoid plagiarism
  reading 2 why students plagiarize
 part ii mastery test
  reading 1 academic plagiarism definition
  reading 2 is it plagiarism yet?
 part iii consolidation and application
unit 3 referencing
 part i reading
  reading 1 introduction
  reading 2 principles of referencing
 part ii mastery test
  reading 1 references and bibliographies
  reading 2 choosing sources
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading introduction of referencing styles
unit 4 lecture and tutorial
 part i reading
  reading 1 lecture
  reading 2 discussion skills for tutorials & seminars
 part ii mastery test
  reading effective note-taking
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading academic success tips: time management
unit 5 academic presentation
 part i reading
  reading 1 preparing an academic presentation
  reading 2 how to give a talk: better academic speaking in a nutshell
 part ii mastery test
  reading 1 speech by h.e. ambassador liu xiaoming at the lunch of the asian business leaders summit
  reading 2 presentation of a marketing plan
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading a commencement address
unit 6 research method
 part i reading
  reading 1 research methods
  reading 2 qualitative vs. quantitative research
  reading 3 different research methods--how to choose an appropriate design
 part ii mastery test
  reading survey research design
 part iii consolidation and application
unit 7 report
 part i reading
  reading 1 the work values of first-year college students: exploring group differences
  reading 2 feasibility report on establishing interact courses(e-learning)
 part ii mastery test
  reading the imrad format of report
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading 1 report
  reading 2 the format of business report
  reading 3 exploration of intimacy in intercultural and intracultural romantic relationships in college students
unit 8 data and graph
 part i reading
  reading 1 introduction of data
  reading 2 graph
 part ii mastery test
  reading introduction of graph types
 part iii consolidation and application
unit 9 case study
 part i reading
  reading 1 the case study research method
  reading 2 the case method: art and skill(i)
 part ii mastery test
  reading the case method: art and skill(ii)
 part iii consolidation and application
  reading 1 case study research
  reading 2 case selection and structure

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