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让你的英语口语不再雷死人 本书特色

《让你的英语口语不再雷死人》附赠的光盘涵盖了书中50篇文章的英文对话部分,均以纯正美音朗读。此书*适用于想要学习时尚的、常用的、地道的、自然的英语口的人,那就是你!只要去听敢说,你的英语口语将不再雷死人!潮人口中的新词层出不穷,但是,这些流行关键词用英语怎么表达呢?麦霸(microphone hog),宅男宅女(the stay-at-home type),人妖(lady boy),穷忙族(the working poor),工作狂(workaholic),闪婚(flash marriage),婚外恋(extramarital affair),拼客(the pooling clan),人肉搜索(online vigilantism),试客(the free-sample clan),整容(plastic surgery)……如果你也和我一样,热爱语言学习,又厌烦了传统的课本和速成式英文培训班和过气了的口语,且不再满足于自己那雷死人的中式英语,那么——就把《让你的英语口语不再雷死人》带回家:一边看,一边听,一边被称赞:你的口语“真他妈”的地道啊!

让你的英语口语不再雷死人 目录


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让你的英语口语不再雷死人 相关资料

月光光,心慌慌The “Moonlight Clan”DialogueChristina and her mother, Mary, have been shopping for about an hour in their local shopping center.Mary: Okay. I’ve got to go run some errands. But, do you still want to have dinner together later?Christina: Oh, okay. Yeah, dinner’s still on. I think I’m going to carry on shopping, so, do you want to meet back here in a couple of hours?Mary: You’re going to keep shopping? Are you sure? You’ve already spent a fair bit of money… I mean, those clothes you bought are lovely, but haven’t you spent most of your salary for this month already?Christina: Oh, stop nagging me! I can handle my own accounts.Mary: Okay, okay. No need to bite my head off. I was just trying to give you some advice.Christina: Alright, mom. Trust me. I’ll be sensible! Dinner will even on my treat tonight. So, let’s meet back here in two hours.Mary: Okay, see you soon.Two hours later Mary and Christina meet for dinner. Christina arrives with twice as many shopping bags as she had before.Mary: Christina! What did I tell you? I thought you said you were going to be sensible?!Christina: I was sensible… I bought some sensible jewelry, some sensible work clothes and a sensible MP3 player…Mary: Oh, Christina, you’re never going to save any money if you keep on like this! You’re always eating out, going to fancy bars and buying new things.Christina: Chill out, mom. I’m perfectly in control.Mary [sighs]: Okay. Let’s just get some dinner.Christina: Oh, yeah… About that … can we go Dutch?

让你的英语口语不再雷死人 作者简介

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