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高中2年级-中学英语视听阅读-教师用书 内容简介

  《中学英语视听阅读(高中二年级 教师用书)》把阅读和视频结合,注重学生语言和知识的拓展,为学生提供精心改编自《国家地理》的文章、图片和视频,让学生全方面接触并了解世界,让英语学习不仅仅是语言的学习,还是知识的积累和自我的提升。  结构清晰:每个单元包含与主题相关的A、B两篇文章和一个视频,通过阅读技巧的训练,视听内容的辅助,提高语言技能,开拓视野。  话题丰富:话题涉及文化、自然科学、社会热点问题、世界文学等,是对学校教材的有益补充。  练习精炼:练习不仅对文章内容进行考查,而且注明考查目的,让学生熟悉出题的意图,掌握解题的方法,并逐步提高英语阅读理解能力。  视频精美:视频内容源于《国家地理》,无论从角度、画面呈现的广度和深度来说,都非常适合中学生学习,培养他们自主学习和思维的能力。

高中2年级-中学英语视听阅读-教师用书 目录

Take a Tour of Reading Adventures!
Aims and Principles of Reading Adventures
Preparing Learners to Read
Developing Learners' Reading Skills
Developing Learners' Vocabulary
Using Video in Class
Exploring Further: Reading and Viewing and Assessing Learners' Progress
List of Recommended Readers
Answer Keys and Teaching Notes:
Unit 1: Clues about the Past
Unit 2: Survival
Review 1: SGang Gwaay, Canada
A Haida Fotktale: How the Raven Stole the Sun
Unit 3: Outer Space
Unit 4: Art: The Power of Writing
Review 2: The Bend of the Boyne, Ireland
An Irish Fotktale: Aonghus and Caer
Unit 5: Lewis Carroll
Unit 6: Preserving Heritage
Review 3: Saryarka, Kazakhstan
A Kazakh Folktale: Aldar Kose and the Magic.Coat
Target Vocabulary Definitions
Glossary of Terms

高中2年级-中学英语视听阅读-教师用书 节选

  《中学英语视听阅读(高二年级 教师用书)》:  1.The Language Practice page in each unit focuses on using the target vocabulary in various contexts.Here, students are asked to fill gaps in a reading, manipulate target words, or find appropriate definitions for them in context.It is also important that learners become aware of word structure, collocations, and usage.The Vocabulary Builder boxes in the Student Book highlight such relevant word forms and associations.There are three types:  Word Link: Students are taught to develop decoding strategies based on word parts like roots, prefixes, and suffixes.  Word Partners: Common collocations and set phrases involving target vocabulary items are presented, so that learners can increase their vocabulary awareness through acquisition of lexical chunks.  Usage: Information is provided on common usage, such as the varied meanings of a word, and the distinction between formal and slang connotations.  2. In the Video clips for each unit, which have been carefully graded for language level, many of the target vocabulary items are recycled.In the Video section of each unit, Activity A introduces any new vocabulary students need to follow the video.Later, Think about it/Talk with a partner questions give students an opportunity to use newly acquired vocabulary as they discuss the unit topic and relate it to their own lives.  3.The Review unit provides students additional practice with target vocabulary.Each review section starts with an activity featuring words from the two previous units.The activity checks students' understanding of meanings as well as accuracy of spelling.Next, students complete the World Heritage Notes.The notes provide a model for taking notes on key information.This relates to the World Heritage Site spread, which recycles vocabulary items in different contexts.The last page of the Review unit has a Vocabuiary Extension section in which students extend their vocabulary in new directions such as forming phrasal verbs or identifying collocations.  ……

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中小学教辅 高中二年级 英语


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