阅读理解。 All of the people in Poland (波兰) know the two short, round men. They are twins. The elder brother is quiet. The younger brother likes to play. T-七年级英语

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     All of the people in Poland (波兰) know the two short, round men. They are twins. The elder brother
is quiet. The younger brother likes to play. They look the same. The only difference is a birthmark (胎记)
on one of their noses.
     In an old funny movie, they were stars. Now they work in one party (政党). They go swimming and
play basketball together.
     The younger brother is the President of Poland. The elder helps him. The younger brother always says,
"When my brother has a good idea, I will do it." The elder says,"I will stand behind my brother wherever
(无论哪里) he is."
     People think both of them are good!
1. What are the twins like?
A. They are tall.
B. They are fat.
C. They are thin.
D. They are strong.
2. What does the younger brother do?
A. A movie star.
B. A runner.
C. The president of the country.
D. A player.
3. What does "I will stand behind my brother wherever he is." mean?
A. The elder is helpful for his brother to do his work.
B. The elder needs his brother's help.
C. The elder does not know where to go.
D. The elder runs slower than his brother.
4. Which is right according to (根据) the passage?
A. The twins are famous players in Poland.
B. The elder brother likes talking a lot.
C. The younger brother likes to be quiet.
D. The twins were in a funny movie when they were young.
5. What do we learn from the passage?
A. People in Poland like the twins.
B. The twins want to be movie stars.
C. People in Poland don't like the elder brother.
D. The twins don't help each other.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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