Table Manners in America Don’t circle your plate with your arms. If you do so, you will become the focus(焦点) of the table. Everyone would wonder,"Is there -八年级英语

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                             Table Manners in America   
          Don’t circle your plate with your arms. If you do so, you will
become the focus(焦点) of the table. Everyone would wonder,"Is
there anything wrong with the food?" This may give a wrong message
that you don't like the food or something like that. 
     Don't push the plate back when finished. Leave it where it was.
Do you want to let the hostess(女主人) know that you've just
done a labour?
     Don't lean(倚靠)  back and say"I'm through"or"I'm full". Just
put the fork and knife across the plate. That's all. 
     Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one
or two bites(块) at a time. 
     Never take a huge mouthful of anything. Do you want to show
how hungry you are? Don't do that. It's not so good.    
     It's never good   to reach across the table for anything. If the
thing you want is not at hand, simply ask the nearest person for
help, like “Mrs Smith, could you pass me the dish?”

1. If you are at table and circle your plate with your arms,
other people will think              .
         A. you don't like the food
         B. the food isn't good for you
         C. there is something wrong with the food
         D. all the above
2. After finishing dinner, you should            .  
         A. put the fork and knife across the plate
         B. stand up and leave the table
         C. say “I'm full”
         D. say “Thank you”
3. If you want a dish far from you at table, you should           .
         A. stand up and reach across the table for it
         B. leave your seat to get it 
         C. sit there until others help you
         D. ask the nearest person for help
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1—3:  D  A  D

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