阅读理解。 Back into the past… 1932 Liu Changchun (1901-1983) joined the 10th Olympic Games in Los Angeles, US. He is the first Chineseto attend (参加) Olympics-九年级英语

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                                                             Back into the past…
Liu Changchun (1901-1983) joined the 10th Olympic Games in Los Angeles, US. He is the first Chinese
        to attend (参加) Olympics. He took part in the 100m and 200m race.
1952 The People's Republic (共和国) of China sent its first delegation to the 15th Olympics in Helsinki, Finland.
        This delegation had 40 people. But they arrived too late and missed most of the events.
1984 China's first Olympics after its return to the IOC. China sent a large delegation to the 23rd Games in Los 
        Angeles, US. Xu Haifeng won a gold medal in the 50m pistol (手枪) shooting. It was China's first Olympic
        gold medal.
1996 China got 16 gold medals in the 26th Atlanta Olympics. It was fourth on the gold medal list. Wang Junxia
        won a gold medal in the 5,000m race, and broke the world record.
2000 China got 28 gold medals in the 27th Olympics held in Sydney, Australia. This time, China was third on the
        gold medal list. Fu Mingxia won a gold medal in the platform diving.
2004 China got 32 gold medals at the 28th Olympics in Athens, Greece. It held second place on the gold medal
        list. Liu Xiang won a gold medal in the 110m hurdle (跨栏). He is the first Asian to win this event.
1. Who is the first Chinese that won an Olympic gold medal?
A. Liu Changchun
B. Xu Haifeng
C. Liu Xiang
D. Fu Mingxia
2. When was the 28th Olympics held?
A. 1984
C. 2000
D. 2004
3. How many gold medals did China get in Sydney Olympics?
A. 16
B. 27
C. 28
D. 32
4. Where did Wang Junxia break the world record in the Olympics?
A. Los Angles
B. Atlanta
C. Sydney
D. Athens
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 BDCB

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